Canada Backs Chinese Canadian Museum 17 May

Canadian Heritage

Today, Taleeb Noormohamed, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canada Heritage, and Wilson Miao, Member of Parliament (Richmond Centre), announced $278,000 in funding for the Chinese Canadian Museum to support its exhibition, Odysseys and Migration. They made the announcement on behalf of the Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Canadian Heritage.

Located in Vancouver's historic Chinatown, the Chinese Canadian Museum honours and preserves the history and heritage of Chinese Canadians.

This Museums Assistance Program support will help the Chinese Canadian Museum Society of British Columbia transform Odysseys and Migration into a travelling exhibition that will be hosted by the Royal British Columbia Museum in 2025 and by Barkerville Historic Town in 2026. The exhibition explores the origins of Chinese Canadian migration and recounts some of the unique moments in Chinese Canadian history from the 18th century to today.

This support builds on the previous investment of more than $5.1 million in the Chinese Canadian Museum, made through Canadian Heritage and Pacific Economic Development Canada.

May marks Asian Heritage Month in Canada, a time for Canadians to learn about the important contributions of Asian Canadians to our country. This is also a time to celebrate the diverse experiences and dynamic legacies of Asian Canadians in our communities.

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