Canada Funds Renovation of Couvent Mont-Saint-Patrice

Infrastructure Canada

The Couvent Mont-Saint-Patrice renovation project will save energy, reduce carbon emissions, use renewable energy sources and improve accessibility for all, thanks to an investment of more than $2.3 million from the federal government.

Announced by the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, this project will benefit Richmond residents by enhancing the local heritage while promoting a better quality of life through reduced energy costs, improved accessibility and environmental preservation, creating a sustainable and inclusive place for generations to come.

A thriving economy needs strategic investments in green infrastructure to build a sustainable future for Canadians, with access to good jobs, while limiting impacts on the local environment.

Funding for this project will be used to reduce the building's operating costs and ecological impact, while increasing its energy efficiency. This will be achieved by installing a heat pump system to heat the building, as well as replacing exterior doors and windows to reduce heat loss. In addition, the project will include the installation of a geothermal system and improvements to make the building more accessible.

The Green and Infrastructure Community Buildings (GICB) program aims to improve the places Canadians work, learn, play, live and come together by cutting pollution, reducing costs, and supporting thousands of good jobs.

Through green and other upgrades to existing public community buildings and new builds in underserved communities, the GICB program helps ensure community facilities are inclusive, accessible, and have a long service life, while also helping Canada move towards its net-zero objectives by 2050.

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