More Homes And Jobs For East Werribee

VIC Premier

The Allan Labor Government is one step closer to transforming the East Werribee Precinct into a vibrant urban environment that provides high quality housing, economic activity and strong employment growth.

Minister for Precincts Colin Brooks today released the East Werribee Opportunity Statement, outlining the Labor Government's vision for how the East Werribee Precinct will grow and develop over time.

Development will focus on the area's existing strengths in agriculture, manufacturing, energy and tourism, and support the growth of these key economic sectors with access to a large, diverse and increasingly skilled workforce.

Economic growth in East Werribee will also build on significant investments in education and health, including the expansion of the emergency department at Werribee Mercy Hospital.

Due to its size and strategic location, East Werribee is uniquely positioned to unlock the productive potential of Government land in Melbourne's west.

The removal of a further three level crossings in Wyndham and the completion of missing links along the Federation and Kororoit Creek trails will deliver improved cycling connections for the region.

By 2025, the opening of the Metro Tunnel will see increased capacity on the Werribee and Williamstown lines during peak periods, and the West Gate Tunnel will slash travel times between East Werribee and the Port of Melbourne.

East Werribee is part of the Werribee National Employment and Innovation Centre (NEIC) - a focus for strategic infrastructure investment to help expand employment opportunities.

Find out more about the Opportunity Statement at www.dtp.

As stated by Minister for Precincts Colin Brooks

"We're bringing the East Werribee Precinct to life, transforming it into a centre for employment and investment, surrounded by high-quality and sustainable housing and improved transport connections."

As stated by Member for Werribee Tim Pallas

"The East Werribee Opportunity Statement will transform the precinct and help unlock new business, employment and residential opportunities in one of Victoria's fastest growing areas."

As stated by Member for Point Cook Mat Hilakari

"East Werribee's ongoing development is bringing more jobs closer to home, a great outcome for our growing community."

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