$3 million of upgrades planned for Australind Rail Corridor

  • $3 million allocated to improve 11 railway crossings on Australind Line
  • Part of McGowan Government's commitment to regional rail safety
  • 18 month Armadale Line closure to coincide with railway crossing works
  • The McGowan Government has allocated $3 million to upgrade and improve safety at 11 railway crossings along the Australind Line.

    Over the next three years, 11 railway crossings along the line will be upgraded in the Peel and South-West regions, including:

    • Leslie Street, Serpentine - flashing lights to be replaced with a boom gate;
    • Waterloo Road, Picton - flashing lights to be replaced with a boom gate;
    • Lakes Road, North Dandalup - flashing lights to be replaced with a boom gate;
    • Forrest Avenue, Bunbury - pedestrian crossing renewal;
    • Station Street, Yarloop - flashing lights to be replaced with a boom gate;
    • Clifton Road, Yarloop - flashing lights to be replaced with a boom gate;
    • Johnston Road, Yarloop - flashing lights control renewal;
    • Watkins Road, Mundijong - pedestrian crossing renewal;
    • Uduc Road, Harvey (North) - automatic gate pedestrian crossing upgrade;
    • Uduc Road, Harvey (South) - pedestrian crossing renewal; and
    • Peterson Road, Warawarrup - flashing lights control renewal.

    Active railway crossings, which feature warning bells, flashing lights and automatically operated boom gates, can significantly improve safety for road users by helping prevent accidental collisions and near misses where regional roads cross railway tracks.

    Pedestrian safety will also be improved with several existing pedestrian crossings to be replaced with disability compliant crossing facilities.

    The pedestrian crossing works include the upgrade of existing pedestrian paths and the installation of new mazes, signage and pavement markings.

    The 181 kilometre Australind Train Line, which operates four daily services between Perth and Bunbury, has been running since 1947 with approximately 1,500 passengers making the return journey each week.

    The upgrades will be staged over three years, with work commencing on the first three projects before the end of 2022.

    In early 2023, the Armadale Line will close for up to 18 months and services on the Australind Line will also be impacted.

    A survey for Australind passengers and the community was opened April 1 so South-West residents could have their say on what replacement services they would like during the shutdown. The survey closed April 26, 2022 and the feedback received is currently being reviewed.

    As stated by Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:

    "In early 2023, we will need to close the Armadale Line for up to 18 months to accommodate major works on three major METRONET projects.

    "Unfortunately, this will also have impacts on the Australind Line.

    "We have asked Australind passengers and the broader community for feedback on what replacement services they would like to see during this period, and we are working through this now to put together the services the community needs.

    "During this closure, we will be taking the opportunity to upgrade 11 railway crossings along the line, with $3 million allocated to these improvements."  

    As stated by Bunbury MLA Don Punch:

    "Impacts to the Australind will be inconvenient - we apologise for this in advance.

    "We announced this closure as early as possible so we could seek feedback on replacement and alternative services from the South-West community.

    "However, the closure of the line gives us the opportunity to undertake a significant tranche of important safety works on the Australind Line while minimising any additional disruptions for regional passengers.

    "This is a big win for our community and I look forward to seeing work commence on this $3 million project to upgrade the 11 level crossings along the Australind Line."

    As stated by Murray-Wellington MLA Robyn Clarke:

    "We will be taking our community's feedback and planning out replacement services that our community needs.

    "This $3 million investment into upgrading level crossings on the Australind Line will make it safer for our community and residents."

    As stated by Collie-Preston MLA Jodie Hanns:

    "We apologise in advance for the impacts to the Australind service.

    "These upgrades will make a huge difference for our community and make it so much safer.

    "I am looking forward to seeing the work commence and the benefits for our community."

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