$62.56B Regional Investment Pipeline Unveiled in Blueprint

SA Gov

This state-wide regional investment pipeline is published annually by RDSA and compiles the investment intentions of the public and private sectors over the next five-year period. This year's calculations involved assessments of more than 1,000 proposed projects.

The $62.56 billion regional investment pipeline figure represents a stark increase on the $44.6 billion calculated in September 2022.

Private sector investment intentions represent a far greater share of the investment pipeline, at $48.5 billion, compared with public sector investments of $14.1 billion.

Analysis of these projects reveals the proposed capital expenditure is focused in the areas of agriculture, mining, manufacturing, infrastructure, and electricity generation.

These investments will contribute to a key mission outlined in the South Australian Economic Statement – to capitalise on the global green transition by using the state's sustainability credentials and natural endowment to provide green energy, products, and services to the world.

The most significant capital investment opportunities are associated with the renewable energy, manufacturing and mining projects located in northern SA, with $28.5 billion in the Eyre Peninsula region, $12.1 billion in the Yorke and Mid North region, and $10.7 billion in the Far North region.

Significant investment opportunities are also anticipated in the:

  • Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island (agriculture, food and beverage processing, beauty products, manufacturing, and metal ore mining).
  • Barossa, Gawler, Light and Adelaide Plains (wine, food, tourism, creative and primary industries).
  • Limestone Coast (renewable energy, tourism, healthcare and social assistance)
  • Murraylands & Riverland (primary industries and flood recovery)

As the pipeline is updated annually, recently completed projects are not included – such as the Port Wakefield Bypass, Joy Baluch Bridge duplication, Thomas Foods International processing facility, Pye Group processing expansion, Remarkable Southern Flinders EPIC Mountain Bike Loop, Murray Bridge Study Hub, Mount Gambier Airport Upgrade, and Kangaroo Island Desalination and Water Supply project.

Prepared by Regional Development Australia Boards in each region, a full copy of the blueprint can be found at www.regionaldevelopmentsa.com.au.

As put by Clare Scriven

The RDSA Regional Blueprint is a very valuable resource for all stakeholders involved in supporting regional economic growth and development.

The $62.56 billion regional investment pipeline represents incredible opportunities for regional communities across a range of industries.

The State Government recognises these opportunities and that is why we have invested in policies and programs which facilitate regional growth and development, including $15 million annually in the Thriving Regions Fund, $10.2 million to establish the Regional Skills Development Fund, $3.5 million over five years for a dedicated Office for Regional Housing.

Ongoing delivery of regional investment will continue to be driven by collaboration between federal, state, and local governments, in addition to businesses, peak bodies and the RDA network.

As put by the Hon Rob Kerin, Executive Chair, RDSA

I am proud of the efforts of all those in the RDA network who have worked to compile the data and insights contained in the Regional Blueprint.

The $62.56 billion regional investment pipeline presents significant opportunities for regional South Australia. But as we navigate the uncertainty of construction, workforce, cost escalation, sparsity of housing supply and workforce, the challenge is how we collectively realise these projects.

I am grateful to all our funding partners – federal, state, and local governments – for supporting the compilation of the regional investment pipeline and other place-based and state-wide actions which facilitate regional growth and development.

As put by LGA President, Mayor Dean Johnson

There is significant economic growth potential in regional South Australia and the RDSA Regional Blueprint showcases how quickly new opportunities for our state are emerging year-on-year.

To realise the full potential of this $62.56 billion pipeline we need local, state and federal governments working together and collaborating on how we can best grow our regions – facilitating and supporting the creation of next generation jobs and industries.

South Australian councils are proud to be part of these conversations and we look forward to engaging further with our state and federal partners, as well as businesses and leading industry bodies like the RDSA, to continue growing our great state.

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