Circus performers, visual artists, actors and filmmakers to shine thanks to McGowan Government grants program

  • 34 new arts and culture programs to receive grants
  • 12 regional and 22 Perth-based projects
  • Circus performers, mural painters, filmmakers and actors among recipients from Kimberley to Australind 
  • A diverse array of artists, performers and creators have received grants worth up to $60,000 as part of the McGowan Government's Arts 15k-plus initiative.

    From an $18,450 grant for the Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal Corporation to create stories through textile design, to $59,998 for a performance work by Jay Emmanuel in Perth, the Arts 15k-plus program acknowledges the value of arts and culture in creating a vibrant, inclusive and connected community.

    The program, which is currently open for applications, is available for programs or activities throughout Western Australia.

    Artists and organisations are urged to apply before February 17, 2022. For more information and to apply, visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Arts 15k-plus page.

    As stated by Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman:

    "Arts funding supports the development and growth of a vibrant arts and culture sector, that produces engaging high-quality experiences for everyone across the State to enjoy.

    "I am thrilled to see a wide variety of locations and projects being produced from this funding.

    "It's great to know that there's something for everyone from circus and physical theatre to literature and writing, along with my passions of theatre and music.

    "The McGowan Government acknowledges the value of arts and culture in creating a vibrant, inclusive and connected community. Arts activities provide much needed social connection and support economic wellbeing - for artists and local communities.

    "If you have an arts project you'd like to bring to life, I encourage you to visit the DLGSC website and apply for funding."

    Full alphabetical order list of Arts 15k-plus grant recipient, project name and location

    Audioplay Australia, Audioplay: Remote delivery research & development (Perth)$58,293
    Big hART, Songs for Freedom (Perth & Pilbara)$30,540
    Caitlin Maling, West Coast, Poems and Essays (Gascoyne, Mid-West, Wheatbelt)$39,347
    Camera Story, Piriwa Placemaking Mural (Kimberley)$59,124
    Campbell Whyte, Luna Express, a graphic novel (Perth)$35,080
    Centre for Stories, Building for the future through a stronger web presence (Perth)$33,578
    City of Albany, gARmenT, a wearable art project (Great Southern)$57,300
    City of Belmont, The Imaginarium 2022 (Perth)$25,000
    Claire Coleman, Feminist Anthems (Perth)$51,424
    Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation, Djarindjin fuel tank mural project (Kimberley)$30,402
    Dorothy Erickson, Hesperian - a new collection of jewellery (Perth)$40,000
    Ella Hetherington, Golden Hour (Perth) $43,562
    Fliptease, West is West (Perth)$47,110
    Gascoyne in May, CREALITY - Gascoyne Travelling Arts Festival (Gascoyne)$59,970
    Isha Mott, ASCENT, stage two creative development (Perth)$41,720
    Laurence Steed, Better Than Me - new full-length non-fiction manuscript (Perth)$34,000
    Melanie McKee, Seven Forms (South-West)$32,980
    Monique Le Lievre, Production and launch of a debut album (Kimberley)$24,755
    Natalie Allen, In Crimson (Perth)$58,787
    Performing Lines Limited - WA, Equations of a Falling Body by Laura Boynes second creative development (Perth)$59,773
    Performing Lines Limited - WA, Sunset: first stage creative development of a new work by Jay Emmanuel - administered for Encounter Theatre (Perth)$59,998
    Performing Lines Limited - WA, Creative development of Can't Won't Don't by Jo Pollitt & Maitland Schnaars (Perth)$55,443
    Rebecca Giggs, Pet: The Future of the Animals we Keep, a literary nonfiction book project (Perth)$30,000
    Red Bird Creative, Young Phoenix: Digital short graphic novella development (Perth)$57,500
    Scott Elstermann, Petrushka - Game, Set, Match (Perth)$59,906
    Sophie Curtis, WA Young Artists Chamber Music Program 2022 Season (Perth)$23,972
    The Trustee for Herbert Jones Trust, Between The Lines Festival (South-West & Peel)$22,032
    The Trustee for Mazza-Parton Family Trust, The Current: A literary novel set on Leschenault Peninsula near Australind (South-West)$48,974
    Theatre 180, Blue/Orange by Joe Penhall (Perth)$60,000
    Toni Wilkinson, Tough Pleasures, a photographic publication (Perth)$34,000
    UWA Westerly Magazine, Publication with Westerly Magazine in 2022 (Perth)$31,262
    WA Circus School, Annual Youth Troupe Program (Perth)$59,930
    Wirlomin Noongar Language and Stories Project Inc, The Wirlomin Noongar language cultural enhancement project (Great Southern)$60,000
    Yawuru Jarndu Aboriginal Corporation - Stories re-envisioned through textile design (Kimberley)$18,450
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