Colac Otway Honours Volunteers, Presents Community Awards


Council is holding a celebration event during National Volunteer Week to thank all local volunteers with all people who do volunteer work in Colac Otway invited to come along.

The Colac Otway Community Awards for Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Service Award will also be presented at the event.

"This year, we will celebrate our Community Award winners at an event during National Volunteer Week. The awards recognise volunteers within the community, therefore it seems fitting to hold the event during the national week celebrations," Mayor Marg White said.

"An event during National Volunteer Week has also provided Council with the opportunity to extend an invitation to thank every one of the dedicated volunteers who donate their time and energy toward making Colac Otway the wonderful place it is.

"You might volunteer at your local sporting club, or give your time to a group like Lions or Rotary, volunteer at a local Op Shop or through Council to deliver meals on wheels.

"There are many individuals and groups making a positive difference to the lives of others in our towns and small communities, it may be through small everyday gestures, or on a larger scale and each contribution is important when it's for the benefit of others.

"We hope that many of our fabulous volunteers will come together and enjoy the celebration and provide us with the opportunity to personally thank people and recognise the commitment of community-minded residents who make a significant contribution to the shire," Cr White said.

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