Driver caught almost six times over legal limit at Cessnock

A man has been charged with high-range drink driving after allegedly being caught almost six times over the legal limit in the Hunter region today.

About 1.30pm (Thursday 6 January 2022), officers attached to Hunter Valley Traffic and Highway Patrol Command stopped the driver of a Mitsubishi SUV on Wollombi Road at Bellbird, for the purpose of a random breath test.

Police spoke to the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle – a 41-year-old man – before he was subjected to a roadside breath test, which returned a positive result.

The Cessnock man was arrested and taken to Cessnock Police Station, where a subsequent breath analysis returned an alleged reading of 0.297.

He was charged with high-range PCA, his driver's licence was confiscated and immediately suspended, and his vehicle was seized.

The man was granted conditional bail and is due to appear at Cessnock Local Court on Wednesday 9 February 2022.

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