Major milestone for Eaton-Australind emergency services volunteers

  • Eaton-Australind Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service celebrates more than 50 years of service
  • Major upgrade to the unit's headquarters to support volunteers
  • Veteran volunteers to be acknowledged for their long service
  • One of the South-West's busiest emergency response crews is being recognised for half a century of service to the community.

    Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson commended the Eaton-Australind Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service (VFRS) on reaching such a milestone with its 50th anniversary.

    The brigade was founded by four locals - Eric Clifton, Doug Hough, Reg Fishwick and Don Stewart - on 21 April 1972.

    The unit has grown to 37 members and become a key element in protecting the local community.

    The McGowan Government has supported the Eaton-Australind VFRS, contributing almost $375,000 in upgrades to the unit's headquarters.

    As part of the redevelopment, a new tunic room, ablutions block, Enhanced Breathing Apparatus cleaning facilities, and other amenities were completed in June.

    Some of the unit's key members are to be presented with long service awards at an event this weekend. The awards include a Fourth Clasp National Medal to Laurence Hynes, who has been an emergency services volunteer for 59 years - including 36 years with Eaton-Australind VFRS.

    As stated by Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson:

    "This is an important milestone to recognise all those dedicated emergency services volunteers at Eaton-Australind who have donated their time over the past 50 years to keep their community safe.

    "Our volunteers should be acknowledged and supported by the wider community for the incredible job they do, and this anniversary is the perfect opportunity to celebrate.

    "Eaton-Australind VFRS started in a small tin shed without running water or toilets 50 years ago. Now they have access to modern facilities that enable volunteers to be well prepared and resourced to deliver frontline emergency services.

    "It is crucial our units, groups, and brigades have the most modern, efficient, and safest resources at their disposal when they answer the community's calls for help."

    As stated by Collie-Preston MLA Jodie Hanns:

    "I am very proud of the Eaton-Australind VFRS in reaching this milestone after such humble beginnings half a century ago, when four locals decided they needed to band together to make community safety a priority.

    "With 37 members the unit is going strong, and its 50th anniversary is an important occasion for the team members and the local community to celebrate.

    "The Eaton-Australind VFRS has attended 288 incidents in the past two years, volunteering 1250 hours to the community.

    "On behalf of the McGowan Government, this is an opportunity to say thank you to all those at the unit who have contributed to protecting others over the last 50 years."

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