Marshalltown Road and Bailey Street Roundabout Enhanced

An upgrade at the intersection of Marshalltown Road and Bailey Street in Grovedale has been completed as part of the Australian Government's 2023-2024 BlackSpot program.

The works included new footpaths, roundabout, tactiles, kerb and channel improvements, street lighting upgrades, and drainage improvements.

All new footpath pram ramps/laybacks, asphalt wombat crossings, asphalt overlays on all approaches to the roundabout, and new signage and line-marking with further delineation upgrades featuring Raised Reflective Pavement Markers were also part of the project.

The $750,000 upgrade, fully funded by the federal government and delivered by the City, aims to reduce vehicle speeds on approach and departure of the intersection to below 30km/h, while also prioritising pedestrian movements.

The intersection was one of the priority locations selected for the 2023-2024 Blackspot program, which aims to reduce serious injuries and fatalities at sites where there has been a history of accidents.

Roundabouts with raised pedestrian crossings create a safe and accessible environment for all road users. An evaluation of the installation of raised crossings showed that installing raised pedestrian crossings reduced vehicle speeds, improved compliance by all road users, and assisted drivers, riders and pedestrians with understanding the intersection.

Federal Member for Corangamite Libby Coker:

By enhancing infrastructure and implementing safety measures we can prevent tragedies and protect our loved ones and that's why I'm thrilled that this Federal-funded blackspot project has been delivered.

The Albanese Government is committed to building safer roads in fast-growing suburbs like Grovedale and investing in these upgrades is an important part of ensuring children can walk to school and families can drive to work without constant fear of accidents.

I'd like to congratulate all members of the Grovedale community who advocated for these much-needed safety upgrades.

Mayor Trent Sullivan:

This is a really busy intersection right near Grovedale Primary School, so it's really important it's as safe as possible.

We thank the federal government for funding this project and the Grovedale community for its patience while the works were carried out.

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