Pilot First Nations Trade Advisory Opens Applications

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is calling for expressions of interest for membership of the inaugural pilot First Nations Trade and Investment Advisory Group. Applications close on 9 June 2024.

The Advisory Group will be comprised of senior Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives to inform Government on First Nations trade and investment opportunities including:

  • Australia's international trade and foreign investment policy;
  • Trade negotiations, including negotiating objectives and implementation;
  • Trade advocacy, communication and promotion;
  • Pathways to help grow First nations' export capability and opportunities;
  • To ensure that the benefits of Australia's international trade and foreign investment efforts are realised by First Nations people, businesses and communities.

The Advisory Group will be chaired by the Ambassador for First Nations People, Mr Justin Mohamed, and convene up to four times of year. Membership is for an initial 12-month period.

Candidates will have demonstrated experience and/or expertise in First Nations trade and/or investment matters. A breadth of experience across different international markets or sectors and/or experience in similar advisory roles will be viewed favourably.

Candidates can apply in an individual capacity, or as a representative of a national-scale First Nations organisation or network that is involved in trade and investment policy or activities.

The proposal for an Advisory Group was first announced in December last year as part of the Government's establishment of the Office for First Nations International Engagement, led by the Ambassador, to embed First Nations perspective into Australia's foreign policy including trade and investment.

"First Nations people are Australia's first traders, and we know that First Nations people are best placed to advise on matters that affect them," Ambassador Mohamed said.

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