Police Arrest Five After Tarneit Carjacking

Five teenagers have been arrested following a carjacking in Tarneit last night.

It is believed several youths were picked up by a rideshare driver in a Mercedes SUV on Cloverdale Road about 11pm.

They were driven to Wilandra Drive, when one of the passengers exited the car, opened the driver's door and attacked him.

The offenders then pulled the driver out of the car, got back in the vehicle and fled the area.

The driver, a 62-year-old Point Cook man, sustained minor injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment.

The vehicle was then observed by patrolling police units in Point Cook and followed before being tracked by the Air Wing.

Two teenage girls were seen exiting the vehicle on The Strand and were arrested a short time later.

Officers then followed the vehicle to Woolybush Drive, Tarneit where five offenders dumped the car and fled on foot.

Three of the thieves were located shortly afterwards and arrested at the scene with the assistance of a canine unit.

A 16-year-old Point Cook boy sustained a dog bite during the arrest and was taken to hospital for treatment.

All five offenders are currently assisting police with their enquiries.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or has information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au

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