US Deputy Defense Secretary Dalton Meets Italian Carabinieri's Galletta

U.S. Department of Defense

Performing the Duties of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Melissa Dalton met with Deputy Commander of the Italian Carabinieri Lt. Gen. Riccardo Galletta at the Pentagon, May 8.

During the meeting, the leaders discussed a wide variety of global security topics, to include stabilization operations, security threats along NATO's southern flank, countering irregular warfare, bolstering security in fragile states, and the employment of the Carabinieri's unique stability policing capabilities to address the most pressing global challenges.

Ms. Dalton praised the Carabinieri's leadership of the Center of Excellence for Stability Policing Units (COESPU) and thanked the Carabinieri for its commitment to deploying worldwide for defense and stability policing capability development activities. Both leaders reflected upon the growing DoD-Carabinieri partnership and discussed several new areas for cooperation.

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