Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Construction Begins

Yarra Ranges Shire Council
The much-anticipated Warburton Mountain Bike Destination is set to commence construction on Stage 1 of the project in mid-June.
This project has been in the making for many years and promises a unique recreational experience while showcasing a commitment to environmental stewardship and community.

Since its inception in 2013, our vision for this project has been guided by meticulous planning, culminating in the most comprehensive approvals process ever undertaken for a recreational project. The rigorous evaluation of environmental and social impacts, as demonstrated by the Environment Effects Statement, ensures a sustainable legacy for generations to come.

Yarra Ranges Mayor Councillor Sophie Todorov said, starting construction of the trails is an exciting step in this project.
"We have worked tirelessly to get to this point but the hard work doesn't end here. This project includes many plans to ensure that we are considering our local environment, community and importantly safety not just during construction but going into the future too.
"It is important that along with the economic and tourism benefits this project will bring to Warburton and surrounds, that we continue to balance the needs of our local community. And this is something we will continue to review during and after construction."
"We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support of our funding partners—State, Federal, and the Community Bank as we start to see this project become a reality," said Cr Todorov.

World Trail, renowned for crafting extraordinary trail experiences, will be delivering Stage 1, which will span over 100 kilometres of new and upgraded trails. Anticipation mounts with the first trails due to be open to the public in early 2025, marking a monumental milestone for the project. With planning approval secured, the Emergency Management Plan approved and secondary approvals nearing completion, we are able to now mark a start-date for construction.

"At long last, the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination is set to become a reality," said O'Shannassy Ward Councillor Jim Child.

"We have now received an endorsed Emergency Management Plan from the Victorian Minister for Planning along with support from the emergency services. This Plan underscores Council's commitment to ensuring the well-being of trail users and the community in the event of an emergency.

"This project is a game-changer for our community, offering unparalleled recreational opportunities while preserving our natural environment. The Warburton Mountain Bike Destination is a testament to our commitment to sustainable development and boosting the local economy. We are thrilled to see this vision come to life and to witness the positive impact it will have on our community," said Councillor Child.

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