While I may still qualify as a youth in my country (South Africa), the grey hair I've collected for my troubles as a social justice and climate activist will tell you a very different story. Mine has been a decade-long journey, and I am only just beginning to see the impact of this work; yet, there is a whole new generation of African climate youth activists who are already making waves with substantially fewer years under their belt.
Despite pumping out the least climate-wrecking emissions, Africa is experiencing more rapid global heating than than the rest of the world. Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency across the continent, and damage from rains, droughts, floods and storms intensifying.
It is no wonder that these 10 African climate youth activists felt compelled to step up and hold governments and big polluters accountable for the loss and damage they've caused that's affecting all our lives right now, and as well as future generations. One day the world will look back at them as heroes; but for now, allow me to introduce you to the 10 African climate youth activists who are changing the face of the planet…