10 Partners Commit To Resilient Hills & Coasts Agreement

10 partners commit to Resilient Hills & Coasts agreement Today, all 10 members of Resilient Hills & Coasts renewed their commitment to a cross -sector partnership to build climate resilience in the region.

At a formal ceremony held at Laratinga Pavilion in Mount Barker, Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water, the Hon. Susan Close MP, renewed the five -year sector agreement with all partners.

The non -binding, collaborative partnership includes six councils - Alexandrina, Adelaide Hills.

Kangaroo Island, Mount Barker, Victor Harbor, and Yankalilla, the Department for Environment and Water, the two Landscape Boards for Hills and Fleurieu and Kang aroo Island, and Regional Development Australia (RDA) Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island.

Adelaide Hills Council CEO Greg Georgopoulos said "I'm particularly happy to sign this agreement and proud of the ongoing collaboration between the 10 sector partners." "The renewal confirms our commitment to the Regional Climate Action Plan 2025 -2030 and supports our Council's ambitious priorities around sustainable lifestyle practices, protecting and improving our natural environment and building community resilience." The Plan sets out the direction for Resilient Hills & Coasts and their collaboration to accelerate climate action and community resilience in our region.

Their first Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan was launched in 2016. Since that time the collective has successfully received $1.2 million in external funding and undertaken 28 projects and more than 40 advocacy and engagement activities.

Projects have included the delivery of climate risk governance assessments, coastal adaptation plans, enhanced understanding of climate resilient housing, capability raising on water -sensitive urban design and resilient agriculture.

Resilient Hills & Coasts is overseen by a Steering Committee with representatives from each organisation.

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