$100,000 for International Day of People with Disability activities

  • 100 sponsorship opportunities of $1,000 for events and activities in 2020
  • Funding to be overseen by Developmental Disability WA 
  • Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson today announced that $100,000 in sponsorship is available for inclusive events and activities to mark the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) in December.

    The United Nations sanctioned IDPwD is celebrated globally every December 3, with many events held around and on the day across Western Australia. This year's theme is 'Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World'.

    The Department of Communities has funded Developmental Disability WA (DDWA) to provide 100 sponsorships for community organisations to celebrate IDPwD in 2020.

    DDWA was established in 1985 and provides independent information, advocacy, education and support for people with intellectual and other developmental disability, their families and carers.

    There is significant community interest in participating in IDPwD, and funding through the Department of Communities has been increased from $50,000 in 2018 and $84,000 in 2019.

    Local government authorities, community groups and non-government/non-profit organisations are all eligible to apply for funding, which is made available to help raise awareness about the importance of access and inclusion for people living with disability and to support initiatives and events that empower them to achieve their goals.

    Applications close on November 9 and successful applicants will be notified and announced shortly thereafter. Further information is available at https://ddwa.org.au

    As stated by Disability Services Minister Stephen Dawson:

    "I'm always heartened by the support and range of events and activities staged across the State to mark the International Day of People with Disability.

    "I'm very pleased to have Developmental Disability WA on board for this year, with the theme of working toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 world.

    "The State Government is committed to building a more inclusive Western Australia, where everyone regardless of their ability can participate and live their best life."

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