$100 Million Commitment To Maitland Roundabout Overpass

NSW Nationals

An elected Nationals Government will invest $100 million to fund the Westbound Overpass at the Maitland Roundabout in Maitland, demonstrating a strong commitment to delivering productivity enhancing infrastructure.

The project will involve the construction of a westbound flyover at the roundabout near Maitland Station which will alleviate traffic congestion and improve traffic flow on the New England Highway, enhancing safety and efficiency for all road users.

Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Bridget McKenzie, said the investment in fixing the Maitland roundabout is just the latest example of The Nationals driving productivity enhancing infrastructure across the Hunter region.

"By comparison, the Albanese Government has cancelled, cut and delayed more than $30 billion worth of infrastructure projects over the past three years, including putting the Muswellbrook bypass in the slow lane following Labor's infrastructure review.

"The Coalition understands that projects like this have significant second and third round effects. It isn't just about easing congestion and improving safety for those who use the road - this project will enable further housing developments to be built in the western side of Maitland which as we all know is desperately needed"

Nationals' candidate for Hunter, Sue Gilroy said the Hunter region has been taken for granted for too long by Labor.

"Hunter residents will enjoy a safer and faster journey to and from work and only a Coalition Government will fund the infrastructure our growing communities desperately need."

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