$100K in Cigarettes, Vapes Seized in Nowra Vehicle Stop

PLEASE NOTE: Images can be found on the NSWPF social media pages.

Police have charged a man after allegedly seizing more than $100,000 worth of cigarettes and vapes during a road stop on the South Coast.

About 10.30am yesterday (Tuesday 18 March 2025), officers were patrolling Junction Street and O'Connell Lane, Nowra and pulled over a Ford Ranger.

Police searched the vehicle and allegedly located 60,700 cigarettes, 70 vapes and 15kg of loose-leaf tobacco – with an estimated street value of just over $108,500.

Police also seized $3,145 cash.

The 34-year-old male driver was arrested and taken to Nowra Police Station.

He was charged with goods in custody and granted conditional bail to appear before Nowra Local Court on Tuesday 6 May 2025.

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