Northern Tablelands Local Land Services, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Forestry Corporation of NSW wish to advise they will be carrying out 1080 poison aerial and ground baiting for wild dog and fox control, commencing 19 April and to be completed by 30 June 2021.
This baiting program will be carried out in conjunction with the following Wild Dog Control Associations: Ashford, Atholwood, Bald Nob / Skeleton Creek, Baldersleigh, Bundarra, Copeton, Enmore / Blue Knobby, Cataract River, Chandler River, Cooney Creek, Deepwater / 10 Mile, Donnybrook / Leeches Gully, Dundee / Glen Elgin, Elsmore, Emmaville, Jeogla, Kooreelah, Liston, Mann River, McLeods Creek / Lower Rocky River, Mingoola / Mole River, Moona / Winterbourne, Mt MacKenzie, Niangala / Nowendoc, Nullamanna / Wellingrove, Pyes Creek, Red Range / Pinkett, Rocky Creek, Rummeries Hill, Sandy Flat, South Valley, Steinbrook, Tenterden, Torrington / Stannum, Upper Severn River, Wards Mistake, Wongwibinda, Yarrowitch / Tia, Yarrowyck and Yetman
Baiting will be undertaken on the following NPWS managed lands: Arakoola NR, Avondale SCA, Back Creek NR, Back River NR, Bagul Waajaarr NR, Bald Rock NP, Barool NP, Basket Swamp NP, Bluff River NR, Bolivia Hill NR, Boonoo Boonoo NP, Booroolong NR, Burral Yurrul NR & NP, Butterleaf NP, Capoompeta NP, Captains Creek NR, Cataract NP & SCA, Cathedral Rocks NP, Cottan-Bimbang NP, Crooked Creek NP, Cunnawarra NP, Curracabundi NP, Donnybrook NR, Dthinna Dthinnawan NP & NR, Gibraltar NR, Gibraltar Range NP, Guy Fawkes River NP & NR, Indwarra NP, Jobs Mountain NR, Kings Plains NP, Koorelah NP, Kwiambal NP, Mann River NR, Maroomba SCA, Maryland NP, Mount Hyland NR, Mount Yarrowyck NR, Mummel Gulf NP, New England NP, Ngulin NR, Nowendoc NP, Nullamanna NP, Nymboida NP, Oxley Wild Rivers NP, Serpentine NR, Severn River NR, Single NP, Stony Batter Creek NR, Taringa NR, The Basin NR, Tomalla NR, Tooloom NP, Torrington SCA, Tuggolo Creek NR, Warra NP, Warrabah NP, Washpool NP & SCA, Watsons Creek NP, NR & SCA and Werrikimbe NP
Baiting will occur in the following State Forests: Bald Knob, Beaury, Billilimbra, Boonoo, Brother, Butterleaf, Donaldson, Donnybrook, Doyles River, Enfield, Ewingar, Forest Land, Girard, Giro, Hanging Rock, Koreelah, Malara, Moogem, Mount Mitchell, Nowendoc, Nundle, Oakwood, Paddys Land, Riamukka, Spirabo, Styx River, Terrible Billy, Torrington, Tuggolo, Warra and Woodenbong State Forests
Baiting will occur on the Travelling Stock Reserves: TSR 14257, TSR 67816 and TSR 810.
1080 baits pose a high risk to domestic dogs. All domestic dogs should be kept under control and away from baiting areas at all times.