$10M Good Neighbours Plan Targets NSW Pests, Weeds


The Minns Labor Government is delivering on its election commitment to tackle pest and weed infestations between neighbouring public and private lands across the state through its $10 million investment in new or expanded, on the ground, biosecurity projects.

The Good Neighbours Program, led by Local Land Services, will undertake 21 initial projects in priority areas across NSW.

The initiative is part of the Government's $945 million commitment to addressing biosecurity threats to the state's $20 billion primary industries sector.

The Good Neighbours projects will target pest animals and problem weeds, including feral deer, feral pigs, tropical soda apple and hudson pear.

Improved on-ground outcomes will be achieved through coordinated pest animal and weed control programs, as well as capacity-building workshops, training and education for landholders and land managers.

The 21 projects will be delivered in partnership with respective public land managers including Forestry Corporation, the National Parks and Wildlife Service and local councils.

The Good Neighbours Program highlights the importance of public and private land managers working together to prevent the spread of pests and weeds and protect the NSW economy, environment and community.

Pest animals and weeds impact more than 70 per cent of the state's threatened species and endangered ecological communities, posing a significant agricultural threat.

The Good Neighbours Program brings together a range of stakeholders and agencies to combat the issue and educate landholders and land managers about their shared general biosecurity duty under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 to control pests and weeds on their properties.

The program will run until mid-2026, with additional projects to be funded. Visit nsw.gov.au/good-neighbours to learn more.

Minister for Agriculture, Tara Moriarty said:

"Effective pest and weed management are critical to supporting agricultural productivity and biodiversity in NSW, and it's best achieved by working as a united front."

"The Good Neighbours program demonstrates the NSW Government's commitment to protecting our natural environment and agricultural industry by focusing our resources on areas where we can work together to achieve the best results.

"As the saying goes, everybody needs good neighbours. Biosecurity is a shared responsibility, and we all have a part to play."

Local Land Services Project Manager Good Neighbours Program, Dale Kirby said:

"When it comes to coordinated pest animal and weed control programs, many hands make light work."

"We can achieve far better outcomes when private and public landholders work together, with expert advice and support from Local Land Services, to reduce impacts and limit the spread of pests and weeds across the landscape."

MEDIA: Michael Salmon | Minister Moriarty | 0417495018

Good Neighbours projects

  • Cane Toad Program (North Coast) - Joint efforts between the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Local Land Services, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Landcare and private landholders to control cane toads on the North Coast.
  • Chinese Violet Program (North Coast) - This program is based in the Tweed Shire, where Rous County Council is targeting Chinese violet on the fringes of the Heritage Wollumbin National Park and Jerusalem National Park.
  • Job's Tears Eradication Program (North Coast) - Led by Rous County Council, Landcare and landholders, this program aims to eradicate Job's tears from creek lines in the Kyogle and Lismore shires.
  • Tropical Soda Apple Eradication (TSA) Program (North Coast) - This program targets Tropical soda apple across the Lismore, Kyogle, Ballina, Byron, Richmond Valley and Tweed local government areas, led by Rous County Council, community groups and landholders.
  • Far South Coast Coastal Weeds Program (South East) - Tackling weeds such as coastal bitou bush and sea spurge on the Far South Coast between Tuross and Wonboyn, led by Far South Coast Landcare, local councils, Local Land Services and the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
  • Hudson Pear Control Program - Kinchega National Park (Western) - Combating Hudson Pear in the middle reaches of Stephens Creek to the west of Kinchega National Park, led by the managers of Kars and Eureka stations, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Castlereagh Macquarie County Council and Local Land Services.
  • Jumping Cholla Control Program (Western) - Targeting Jumping cholla in the Living Desert State Park and nearby Limestone and Nine Mile stations in the Broken Hill area, with the help of the station owners, Broken Hill City Council, Castlereagh Macquarie County Council and Local Land Services.
  • Parthenium Weed Eradication (North West) Management and control of Parthenium weed across two Travelling Stock Reserves (TSR) at Croppa Creek, led by North West Local Land Services and supported by local councils, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, TSR users, landholders and Traditional Owners.
  • Mt Stuart Boxing Glove Control Program (Western) - Tackling the spread of Boxing glove cactus in Tibooburra, south of the Sturt National Park, in partnership with the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Mt Stuart Station neighbours, Castlereagh Macquarie County Council, Crown Lands and Local Land Services.
  • North Coast Branch Pig Control Program (North Coast and Northern Tablelands) - Feral pig control led by the North Coast branch of the National Parks and Wildlife Service across 12 reserves from western Richmond River to the coast, from Ballina in the north to Hat Head in the south.
  • Orange Hawkweed Eradication Program (South East) - A collaboration between Snowy Monaro Council, Snowy Valleys Council, Local Land Services, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and private landholders targeting Hawkweed in the Kosciuszko National Park and surrounding private land.
  • Strategic Weed Management and Control - Blackberry and St John's Wort (Central West) - Coordinated control of priority weeds within Goobang National Park, led by Parkes Shire Council, Macquarie and Lachlan Valley Weeds Committee, Central West and Central Tablelands regional weeds committees and neighbouring landholders.
  • Wild Horse Cross Tenure Eradication Program (North Coast) - Wild horse control focused on the Barcoongere area, south of Grafton, in conjunction with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, National Parks and Wildlife Service and landholders.
  • Bathurst Joint Weed Program (Central Tablelands) - Working with the Forestry Corporation of NSW and private landholders to control weeds such as broom, gorse and Chilean needle grass between state forest and private land in Bathurst.
  • Bathurst Pest Program - Feral Pig Management Program (Central Tablelands) - Support for a feral pig baiting program involving the Forestry Corporation of NSW, Crown Lands and neighbouring land managers.
  • Feral deer control - Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area (Central Tablelands, Hunter, Greater Sydney and South East) - Coordinated efforts between the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Local Land Services, the Invasive Species Council, Crown Lands and public land managers to reduce the impacts of feral deer.
  • Forestry Pest Management Neighbour's Program (Western, Central West, Central Tablelands, North West, Riverina and Murray) - Targeting feral pig populations on properties with state forest boundaries in the Western NSW region, led by the Forestry Corporation of NSW and state forest neighbours.
  • Koala Habitat Restoration (North Coast) - Protecting and restoring koala habitat in the Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie areas in conjunction with private landholders, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Landcare groups, National Parks and Wildlife Service, and the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
  • North Coast Feral Deer Management Program (North Coast) - An existing feral deer coordinated control program based in the Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie areas involving local councils, Forestry Corporation of NSW, National Parks and Wildlife Service and private landholders.
  • Red Cestrum Management and Control (North Coast) - This program is focused on controlling Red cestrum infestations on the Dorrigo Plateau, led by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Bellingen Shire Council and private landholders.
  • Tamworth Peri Urban Pest Species Project (North West) - Targeting feral goats, pigs and deer within the Tamworth Local Government Area, supported by Tamworth Regional Council, Crown Lands and private landholders.
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