10th Annual Appalachian Research Day in Corbin

University of Kentucky

Registration is open for the 10th Annual Appalachian Research Day: Come Sit on the Porch. Hosted by the University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health (UK CERH), the event is an opportunity to learn about health research conducted with communities in Appalachia. The event will be held in person on April 16, 2025, at The Corbin Center in Corbin, Kentucky. Register, view the agenda and see continuing education information here.

This year's conference will include podium presentations, a research poster competition, breakout sessions, networking opportunities and a health and research fair. Highlights of this year's conference include:

  • Equitable and High-Quality Lung Cancer Screening in Kentucky, a podium presentation by Timothy Mullett, M.D., medical director of the UK Markey Cancer Center Network Operations and a UK professor of cardiothoracic surgery.

  • A Community-Engaged Approach to Tobacco Regulatory Science in Appalachia, a panel presentation by researchers with the Appalachian Tobacco Regulatory Science Team (AppalTRuST).

  • Disaster, Disease, and Determination: How an Appalachian Health Center Responded to the Needs of Its Community, a podium presentation by Key Douthitt, M.D., an associate professor at UK Department of Family and Community Medicine and medical director at the UK North Fork Valley Community Health Center.

  • High school student presentations on numerous research projects during a shared session for Healthy WAY and CARAT-TOP, youth leadership and research development programs offered by the UK CERH for rural Kentucky high school students.

  • Nine breakout sessions in the afternoon on a variety of topics, including stroke, Alzheimer's Disease, rural workforce, food insecurity, substance use disorder and disaster preparedness.

  • More than 20 research posters on a variety of health topics.

Winners of the poster session will be announced during the awards lunch. The nominees and winner of the annual Environmental Health Community Engagement Award, co-sponsored by the UK CERH and the UK Center for Appalachian Research in Environmental Sciences, will also be recognized.

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