The Territory Labor Government continues to boost the Community Housing sector in the NT, with Julalikari Housing becoming the latest registered social and affordable housing provider in the NT.
This brings the number of registered Community Housing Providers in the Territory to ten.
Community Housing providers manage social and affordable housing for Territorians in need.
As an Aboriginal provider, Julalikari has the potential to make a significant, positive impact on housing in the Barkly region, support local decision making and self-determination, and provide Aboriginal tenants with culturally appropriate services.
Julalikari joins Anglicare NT Ltd, Anindilyakwa Housing Aboriginal Corporation, Community Housing Central Australia, CatholicCare NT Resources Limited, Salvation Army Housing, Top End Association for Mental Health Inc, Venture Housing Company Limited, Yilli Rreung Aboriginal Housing Corporation, YWCA National Housing as registered Community Housing Providers in the Northern Territory.
The Territory Government is growing community housing in the Territory, with initiatives including:
launching the Community Housing Growth Strategy in Mid- 2022delivering a pipeline of growth opportunities to the sectorfunding for sector led industry Development planappointing Wendy Morton as NT Registrar of Community Housing, to oversee regulatory requirements and identify capacity-building opportunities.
The Territory Labor Government is building the capacity and capability of Community Housing Providers, including through funding Aboriginal Housing NT as the peak body to support the growth and development of Aboriginal providers.
Quotes from Minister for Territory Families and Urban Housing, Kate Worden:
"Finding new and innovative ways to revamp our social and affordable housing model will support jobs, tenants and local communities, and is a win for the Territory.
"It is exciting to welcome Julalikari into the network of NT Community Housing Providers; this is good news and fantastic for the Barkly region.
"In addition to landlord responsibilities, Community Housing Providers often work with specialist organisations to provide mental health support, wellbeing and family support and work-readiness programs to help tenants break the cycle of disadvantage.
"This Government supports Territorians having access to safe, secure and affordable housing, while also finding new project and job opportunities for Territorians."
Quotes from NT Community Housing Registrar, Ms Wendy Morton:
"It is exciting to see new organisations in the NT become registered Community Housing Providers.
"Registration and meeting ongoing compliance requirements provides a level of certainty in the stability and sustainability of CHP's. This allows government and the private sector to have confidence in the CHP sector going forward."
Northern Territory Government