Department of Health
This investment through the MRFF's Medical Research Commercialisation initiative will lead to new medicines and treatment tools including:
- gene therapy that regenerates cells in the eye to help restore vision
- a device that helps surgeons find cancer cells during surgery
- software that can identify pregnant women likely to experience severe bleeding during childbirth
- a drug that helps doctors to find out earlier if cancer treatment has been successful
- improved CAR T-cell therapy for the treatment of solid tumour cancers like breast, colon, pancreas and prostate cancers
- a drug that reduces agitation and aggression in people with dementia
- a safer and more effective drug to treat inflammatory bowel disease
- software that reduces the side effects of breast cancer treatment by making radiation therapy target cancerous cells only.
The startups are the first group to receive funding through the CUREator+ program. Brandon BioCatalyst delivers CUREator+ in partnership with ANDHealth.
Read the media release
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