$2 million to foster future leaders in regional SA

More than 400 future leaders in regional South Australia will be identified and better supported through a new leadership program being delivered with $2 million funding from the Marshall Liberal Government.

The funding will deliver on a key element of the Government's Regional Development Strategy, by strengthening the voice of regional South Australians in setting the policies and delivering the services important to them.

The Marshall Liberal Government will provide $2 million in grants to the state's Regional Development Australia (RDA) associations to find and develop leaders in regional communities, based on each area's opportunities and needs.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development David Basham said it is crucial to support strong leaders in South Australia's regions now and into the future.

"Today our regions contribute around $29 billion per year to our state's economy with just under 150,000 people employed in regional South Australia," Minister Basham said.

"The Marshall Liberal Government wants to build on this and ensure regional communities continue to grow and prosper now and into the future.

"For that, our communities need a pipeline of future leaders, as well as a skilled workforce which is why we are providing the state's seven RDA associations with $2 million from the Regional Growth Fund to deliver a leadership development program, estimated to support more than 400 people.

"The development of regional leadership and skills was highlighted in the Regional Development Strategy as a key to improving opportunities for those who live and work in the country.

"Leadership is essential in creating successful businesses, community organisations and devising and delivering on local plans for growth.

"The Regional Leadership Development Program will identify, engage with, and develop the next generation of leaders in our regions, through training and mentoring opportunities.

"The former Labor Government thought South Australia ended at Gepps Cross and completely ignored our regions for 16 years.

"While other states invested in regional leadership programs, regional communities in South Australia had to fend for themselves.

"The councils and RDAs who have previously invested in local leadership programs are to be commended and I am proud the Marshall Liberal Government is taking up the effort.

"Only a returned Marshall Liberal Government can continue to deliver positive outcomes for regional South Australia."

Each regional RDA will receive funding to deliver programs suited to the leadership development requirements of their region.

"A one-size-fits-all approach won't work in our geographically and economically diverse regions," Minister Basham said.

"The RDAs will work with local organisations to establish their region's current and future leadership needs, understand if there are community cohorts not represented in leadership roles, and then deliver formal training and development opportunities to enhance leadership capacity in their communities.

"Not only will this create and develop more leaders, it will foster stronger and more cohesive local communities."

The RDAs will deliver leadership training programs over two years, with over 400 people in total across the state expected to benefit from this experience.

For further information on programs to support the regions, visit www.regionsmatter.sa.gov.au

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