20 Ways to Celebrate International Day of Happiness

Happiness is one of the feelings that reminds us why life is precious, why risks are worth taking, and what we're capable of when we've been defeated. It is often fleeting, and it can sometimes feel downright unattainable, but it is an essential thread in the fabric of our lives. The United Nations established that March 20 would be the International Day of Happiness back in 2012, and it is the perfect excuse to take a moment to reflect on what brings joy into our lives.

What makes you happy? It's a simple question with an impossible number of connotations for every individual person. While I could easily sit down and write twenty (or forty or four hundred) things that cause happiness to bubble up within me even in my darkest hours, I felt it would be more valuable to collect the responses to this question from a variety of our students. Here's what they told me:

  1. "Springtime makes me happy with its combination of bright warm days and rainy days, but especially when they end in beautiful sunsets. It makes me happy to know I'm connected to so many people by looking up at the same sky. Along with good tunes accompanied by good people (and cats, especially cats!)." - Iman Q.
  2. "What makes me happy is sitting down and breaking bread with the people I care about. There is something special about sharing a nice meal, where we can put distractions aside, and have deep and intimate conversations with the significant people in my life. Sharing a meal and connecting with those I care about really fuels my happiness." - Nathaniel H.
  3. "Being with my friends makes me happy! My favourite thing to do on campus is to get coffee with a friend." - Kathryn J.
  4. "As each day passes, I am always conscious of connection with others. Every interaction I encounter with people of all paths of life weaves a web that constitutes my life, and, with each thread, my existence and presence are further grounded in the world. To touch the lives of others and have others touch my life, even in the most minor ways, spurs waves of impact which bring fulfillment and meaning to the vastness of existence. Finding beauty in these small sparks every day accumulates into a constant joy that fuels my life." - Jaden H.
  5. "Cleaning my room and enjoying my space after. I like to add flowers and open the windows if the weather allows. It really helps when my head is chaotic to slow down and just think of simple things like my space. I have realized it is time to slow down and maybe read or paint, which makes me very happy. Another thing that makes me happy is showing someone I appreciate them, whether it is sending a text, asking a friend to get some coffee or writing them a letter. Bringing them cookies or sending them food is also a very good one. Also, sending flowers to a parent or older sibling can be a sweet surprise." - Khadija M.
  6. "I like to play some of my favourite music and go for a walk (this is especially great when it's sunny outside!). I also set aside some time in my day—even if it's just 20 minutes before bed—to read for fun and not for anything related to class." - Leslie T.
  7. "I look forward to my daily cup of tea in the morning. It sets the pace for my day and starts it out in a good way. Being at the gym or a spin class to take time to better myself and achieve personal gains in terms of health, fitness, and strength makes me happy, and I love driving in my car and singing at the top of my lungs to Selena Gomez or Vance Joy. I do not get to do it as often because I walk to campus, so I always look forward to making the trip home for two hours of nonstop karaoke." - Avery P.
  8. "One thing that will always make me happy is nature after it rains. The smell of the grass feels nostalgic, and visually everything seems calm and serene. Hearing the leftover raindrops on the leaves trickle down and touching the damp mossy wood. All of these things make me love nature after it rains." - William B.
  9. "Talking to my friends & family about everything from life to our favourite cafe in town; going on long walks in the midst of the fall season, when all the flowers are blossoming, and running down the left flank of the field in a highly competitive soccer game when it is just about my time to score a goal! These things make me happy and help me get away from the hustle of life! These brief moments of life bring me immense joy :)" - Ishan A.
  10. "Snowy or rainy nights, candles, cooking pasta, laughing with my friends, power cleans and watching ballet. And Sara Spitz's carrot cupcakes." - Christina E.
  11.  When thinking about what brings joy and happiness to my life, the first thing that comes to mind is my dog, Miss Grizzel. Though she acts like a cat most of the time, she truly is the embodiment of a 'man's best friend.' No matter if I leave the house for five minutes or five hours, the level of excitement and absolute joy of seeing me is purely unmatched. She loves all humans and is keen to meet any animal we come across, even if that means pulling me down a hill. She is loved by anyone who meets her and never fails to put a smile on my face." - Brooke F.
  12.  "Playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends makes me happy. I never thought I'd enjoy it, but now it is one of my biggest sources of happiness. To be able to escape into an alternate reality, think outside the box, share adventures, and laugh together is the best medicine I can prescribe." - Patrick E.
  13.  "Something that makes me happy is waking up late on a Saturday morning, walking to a café and buying myself a coffee and pastry. Then, I sit and read for an hour or more. To me, it's the perfect way to take care of myself and get out of my to-do list mindset and instead, get into a book for a while." - Rebecca W.
  14.  "It's interesting how our definition of happiness changes over time. The things that make us happy today may not necessarily bring the same level of joy tomorrow. However, there are certain things that always make you happy, no matter what. For me, it's working out in the gym, enjoying a warm cup of tea while admiring a beautiful mountain view, hiking, learning something new, spending time with my family or even playing badminton with my Dad. These activities seem to be my constant when it comes to happiness. It's essential to find the things that bring us joy and make time for them because at the end of the day, it's the little things that matter the most, and we should embrace every inch of it." - Aneedrudh A.
  15.  "Being able to look at the goals and dreams of my past self and knowing that I am accomplishing them makes me happy. I'd like to think that younger me is proud of how far I've come. Also, cheesecake. Cheesecake makes me very happy." - Maggie B.
  16.  "Personally, something that brings me happiness is spending time outdoors and with my friends. Getting fresh air and seeing all the beautiful nature always clears my mind and brings me joy. Spending time with my friends, laughing and joking around also always makes me happy." - Anna S.
  17.  "I like to spend quality time with my friends in places both new and familiar. As I've transitioned into adulthood and found the responsibilities piling up, it has become all the more important to me to treasure those moments connecting with others. Edmonton as a city offers so much to see and do, and the potential for radical experiences around western Canada is unlimited...so get out there!" - Jeremy C.
  18.  "Some things that make me happy are the people close to me, making silly art, and cute puppies! I also love bubbles and dad jokes :)" - Kolby R.
  19.  "Something that makes me happy is growing plants. I enjoy the therapeutic process of watering them and inspecting their leaves, and it brings me great joy to see a new leaf unfurling." - Ben S.

And finally, after cheerfully reading through each of these brilliant responses, I sat down and asked myself - what makes me happy? The obvious things that spring to mind are my brother and sister teaming up together to be mischievous instead of picking on each other like usual or when I wake up to the sound of birds rather than construction in the city. But smaller moments flash into my mind, too - my Dad when he imitates the accents of his long-passed South African parents, seeing strangers act kindly towards one another, or that feeling when you stumble across a sentence so perfectly written that you feel like you've unravelled a piece of yourself. And just reflecting upon what makes me happy made me happy. I would highly recommend you give it a try - see if you can come up with 20 things of your own!

/University of Alberta Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.