2020 Greater Shepparton Volunteer Recognition Awards to be held online

The 10th annual Greater Shepparton Volunteer Recognition Awards will be celebrated via an online virtual awards ceremony on Monday 21 September 2020.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the usual ceremony at Riverlinks Eastbank is not possible, but that will not stop the region from recognising the value of volunteers in Greater Shepparton.

The awards selection panel was once again blown away with the quality of nominations, each highlighting the amazing and essential work volunteers do in the area.

A total of 21 nominations were received across the five categories:

  • Female Volunteer of the Year
  • Male Volunteer of the Year
  • Youth Volunteer of the Year
  • Long Serving Volunteer of the Year
  • Team Volunteer of the Year

All are invited to celebrate the people who give so much for the region by watching the winners announced live at 6pm on Monday 21 September.

The online ceremony will be streamed at this time on Council's Facebook page and website.

"COVID-19 continues to affect many different aspects of our life, and while it will stop us from gathering together for the awards, it won't stop us from recognising some of the most amazing people we have in our region online," Mayor Cr Seema Abdullah said.

"Now more than ever before it is important that we recognise and celebrate the value of volunteers in Greater Shepparton. Our region has been faced with some tough situations in 2020, and consistently it is volunteers who help us to the other side.

"I encourage all residents to join me online at 6pm on Monday 21 September and acknowledge our hardworking volunteers."

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