The American Society for Horticultural Science is pleased to announce that this year's ASHS Horticulture Hall of Fame Award was given posthumously to Chris "Floyd" Zaiger. Mr. Zaiger was a fruit breeder particularly known for hybrid development of stone fruit and numerous plant patents. Zaiger founded Zaiger's Genetics, a fruit-breeding business in Modesto, California. Mr. Zaiger developed varieties such as the pluot, and has been called "the most prolific stone fruit breeder in the modern era".
This prestigious premier award is to honor distinguished persons who have made extraordinary contributions to horticulture. Its purpose is to educate and inform younger members of the profession and the general public about the important contributions of horticultural pioneers who made significant impacts on horticulture and how their achievements contributed to the science and profession of horticulture and to the greater public good.
An individual Horticulture Hall of Fame Plaque inscribed with the name of the awardee and likeness will be installed at ASHS Headquarters.
Established in 1903, the American Society for Horticultural Science is recognized around the world as one of the most respected and influential professional societies for horticultural scientists. ASHS is committed to promoting and encouraging national and international interest in scientific research and education in all branches of horticulture.
Comprised of thousands of members worldwide, ASHS represents a broad cross-section of the horticultural community - scientists, educators, students, landscape and turf managers, government, extension agents and industry professionals. ASHS members focus on practices and problems in horticulture: breeding, propagation, production and management, harvesting, handling and storage, processing, marketing and use of horticultural plants and products.