Fifteen community led projects and three community partnership projects will receive a share of $344,000 through the ACT Heritage Grants program to preserve and celebrate the unique stories of the ACT's history and heritage.
Minister for Heritage Rebecca Vassarotti said the projects will ensure the Canberra community can continue to celebrate stories of our past, into the future.
"The ACT has a rich history of First Nations, built and natural heritage, spanning as far back as the ice age," Minister Vassarotti said.
"This year's funding priorities complement the Government's ongoing heritage reform work, focusing on programs that enable the continued preservation of, and access to places and objects registered on the ACT Heritage Register.
"This year, funding has been prioritised for projects that celebrate First Nations heritage and facilitate inclusive grassroots community partnership and participation."
The 2023-24 projects will deliver a range of projects to the community including interpretive signage, oral history workshops, publications, and conservation management plans.
It also includes $184,500 for Community Heritage Partnership Projects including the Heritage Festival, the Heritage Advisory Service and a Cultural Trees Heritage Assessment project.
"Each year, the ACT Heritage Grants program funds high quality projects which showcase our community's commitment to conserve and promote the heritage of our region. Five of the projects awarded as part of the 2022 ACT Heritage Grants program were recognised in the 2022 National Trust Heritage Awards.
"I'm confident that with the programs funded in this round of grants, the ACT will continue to see recognition for its outstanding efforts in the heritage space," Minister Vassarotti said.
The 2023-24 individual recipients and projects for the ACT Heritage Grants Program are:
- Tidbinbilla Pioneers Association: Rock Valley Conservation Management Plan - $11,130
- Rosanna Burston: Well Station Oral History - $2,950
- Hall School Museum & Heritage Centre: Conservation Management Project - $9,800
- Hall School Museum & Heritage Centre: Education Display Spaces - $4,200
- Canberra Raiders Pty Ltd: Oral Histories - $15,330
- Ginninderra Catchment Group: Canberra Tracks Indigenous trees signage - $11,230
- Ozmega Committee: Ozmega Heritage Postcards - $5,710
- Deakin Residents' Association: Discovering and Valuing Deakin's Heritage - $14,780
- Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra: 60 years in Canberra - $5,600
- National Foundation for Australian Women: ACT Women web-based digital bios - $12,000
- Brendan O'Keefe: History of Well Station - $7,000
- Dickson Residents' Association: Dickson's Once Upon a Time Centenary - $5,020
- Capital Region Heritage Rail Ltd: Rock Valley Homestead conservation works - $24,130
- Catherine Edlington: Oral History of Betty Edlington - $1,000
- Reid Residents' Association: Conservation Management Plan for Reid Sportsground - $29,620
- Community Heritage Partnership Projects:
- Heritage Advisory Service - $50,000
- Canberra and Region Heritage Festival - $80,000
- Cultural Trees Heritage Assessments - $54,500