To prepare for the 2023 Post-enumeration Survey, a field test of the planned data approach was successfully completed during May and June 2022, Stats NZ said today.
Stats NZ conducts a Post-enumeration Survey after every census. It's an independent check on how many people in New Zealand were missed or counted more than once in the census. Stats NZ does this check because the accuracy of population data is important and informs decisions that affect the future of all people in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The field test was conducted in Tauranga in a subset of the census dress rehearsal areas, highlighted on the map below:
Text alternative for map Post-enumeration Survey sample areas - 2022 field test
The PES field test took place during a time when COVID-19 safety measures were required. Despite the pandemic, the mix of collection methods, and the voluntary nature of participation in the field test, there was good participation from respondents, leading to valuable insights.
- Just over 500 dwellings, all within the city of Tauranga, were selected for interview. Successful responses were obtained from 192 dwellings, with nearly 400 people participating.
- The key field-based measure of survey response - the achieved sample rate for dwellings - was relatively high for a voluntary test at 38%.
Stats NZ tested two collection methods.
- Face-to-face interviews were conducted on the doorstep with 300 households invited to participate.
- A further 200 households were encouraged to respond via a telephone interview, testing our COVID-19 contingency plans.
The new questionnaire being developed specifically for use in the 2023 Post-enumeration Survey performed well throughout the test, with no major issues identified.
The next steps include ensuring our operational readiness for the two 'go live' field operational phases, which are:
- dwelling enumeration in mid-October/November 2022 - checking our address list
- the interview phase in May/June/July 2023 after the 2023 Census.
For the interview phase, we select 16,500 dwellings from across Aotearoa New Zealand to participate. Selected households will receive a pre-notification letter.
Following the field operations, we link the Post-enumeration Survey responses to census records (both responses and administrative enumerations) to find out how many people were missed by the census, and how many were counted in error or counted more than once. This forms the basis of 'census people coverage' and ensures accuracy in subsequent population estimates and projections, including the estimated resident population (ERP).
We are anticipating releasing the census coverage information and the estimated resident population in the second half of 2024, with the dates to be confirmed.
2022 Post-enumeration Survey field test outlines the key messages published before the field test.
Why do we do the Post-enumeration Survey (PES), and why is it hard? provides more information on the Post-enumeration Survey and why we complete it.
Text alternative for map Post-enumeration Survey sample areas - 2022 field test
Map showing areas in Tauranga included in the field test of the Post-enumeration Survey. A sample of dwellings was taken from the highlighted areas.