Representing a community as local councillor's is an exciting challenge, and one that can be incredibly rewarding. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what is involved in becoming a councillor and the responsibilities that come with the role.
To assist potential candidates who are considering nominating for the upcoming local government elections on the 14 September 2024, Lithgow Council will be conducting a Councillor Candidate Information Session on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
The session will assist potential candidates to understand the key requirements of the role, and how this role fits in with other roles in other levels of government.
The candidate briefing session will be conducted by experienced Local Government NSW facilitator, Maire Sheehan. The session will highlight what makes for a successful council and councillor, how to operate effectively with others and how to achieve progress for the community's benefit. Marie will also address expectations and potential challenges for a councillor, including formal meeting procedures, proper conduct and managing conflicts.
The information session will be held on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at 6.30pm in the Western Sydney University Transformation Hub, Mort Street Lithgow. To register go to