2024/25 Annual Business Plan And Budget Adopted

Council adopted the Annual Business Plan and Budget (ABP&B) 2024/2025, Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) 2025/2034 and the Asset Management Plans (AMPs) 2025/2034 at a Special Council Meeting held on Tuesday 25 June 2024.

The Annual Business Plan and Budget outlines Council's proposed services, projects, objectives and key performance indicators for 2024/2025 and includes the rating strategy, rating policies and annual budget.

City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin thanked the community for the feedback received during the Draft 2024/2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget consultation process.

"We received 11 written submissions via the Have Your Say Mount Gambier website and held two drop-in sessions during the day and evening at the Library in an effort to connect with our residents so that they may better understand the process," Mayor Martin said.

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