2024/25 Quick Response Grants Awarded

Leeton Shire Council

Council awarded three applications for funding totalling $3,467 under the Quick Response Grants category in Council's Community Grants program at its February Ordinary Meeting.

Council congratulates the Leeton Basketball Association (LBA) who has been awarded $880 in funding to go towards subsidising court hire fees for representative basketball trainings on weekends at the Leeton Indoor Stadium.

Council would also like to congratulate the Murrumbidgee Mavericks Basketball Assocation who was awarded $1,037 in funding to go towards the purchase of new equipment for hosting Waratah State League Women's Basketball home games and training at the Leeton Indoor Stadium.

Lastly, Council commended the application by the Roxy Volunteers "Dream Team" which received $1,550 in funding to subsidise refreshments for the 80 local Roxy volunteers.

Portfolio Lead for Sports & Recreation, Cr Sandra Nardi, said the initiatives proposed by LBA and Murrumbidgee Mavericks promote a safe, active and healthy community.

"Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the Shire. We are pleased this funding will ensure all players will have access to essential training opportunities – including on the weekends – and that the Women's State League basketball team will be able to meet the requirements by Basketball NSW for hosting home games," she said.

Cr Nicholas Wright said giving back to the Roxy volunteers was a simple decision.

"The Roxy's 'Community First' commissioning and testing phase would simply not have been possible without our dream team of volunteers led by community champion Sue Gavel. To date, they have contributed a remarkable 1,900 hours. This funding is a simple yet practical way to say thank you for their significant contributions – in the past and moving forward," he said.

Four councillors who are Roxy volunteers themselves – Mayor Cr George Weston, Cr Sandra Nardi, Cr Tracey Morris and Cr Michael Kidd all declared a conflict of interest and vacated the Chamber while that recommendation was discussed.

Council's Community Grants Program includes a 'Quick Response' Grant Category which aims to support activities that arise unexpectedly, with limited notice, outside the window of the twice-yearly Community Grants Scheme.

Applications within this category are capped at a maximum of $2,000.

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