2025 AIIA IAwards: Nominations Open for Gov & Public Sector


Our commitment to support and secure Australia's digital future drives us to support innovators developing groundbreaking tech solutions. This is why we're excited to sponsor the Government & Public Sector Solutions category at the 2025 AIIA iAwards.

In recognition of our purpose to driving digital government in Australia - and our ongoing collaboration with the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) - the DTA is pleased to be sponsoring the Government & Public Sector Solutions category at the 2025 AIIA iAwards.

By sponsoring this category, the DTA continues to support the development of digital solutions that enhance efficiency, accessibility and security within government services.

Chris Fechner, the Chief Executive Officer of the DTA, is a strong advocate for digital innovation that enhances government and public services, improving the way Australians interact with essential services.

"I would encourage anyone working on tech solutions - that make a positive impact at a local, national, or global scale - to enter the iAwards." Mr Fechner says.

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