Goulburn Mulwaree Council is pleased to announce the Nominees for the 2025 Australia Day Awards.
Young Citizen of the Year
Hannah Orr has been nominated for Youth Citizen of the Year.
Citizen of the Year
The following people have been nominated for Citizen of the Year: Dale Towell, Ruth Doggett, Robert Fletcher, Michael Parsons, Kay Rudd, Jock McLean, Courtney Hirst, Greame Welsh, and Noel Brian Sylvester. With the finalists being: Dale Towell, Ruth Doggett, Robert Fletcher, Jock McLean and Graeme Welsh.
Community Event of the Year
The International Day of People with a Disability, 100th Anniversary of the First Australian motorcycle Grand Prix in Goulburn, and Tallong Apple Day have been nominated for Community Event of the Year.
Junior Sportsperson of the Year
Alexander Skeffington, Elsie Apps, and Sid McPherson have been nominated for Junior Sportsperson of the Year.
The winners will be announced at the Australia Day Celebrations Ceremony that will be held in Victoria Park on Sunday 26 January 2025 at 10am.