The Queensland State Government Valuer-General has today released 2025 land valuations for 14 local government areas across Queensland including the Toowoomba Region.
The date of valuation is 1 October, 2024 and the valuations will take effect from 30 June, 2025.
Toowoomba Region Mayor Geoff McDonald said Council would use legislative tools available to average valuations over two or three years and, where appropriate, apply rate caps to certain rating categories.
"A big spike on your land valuation from the Queensland Valuer-General does not automatically mean a big spike in your Council rates," Mayor McDonald said.
"In the formation of our 2025/26 Budget, Council can implement a number of measures to smooth out the valuation to ensure residents are not adversely affected by a large valuation increase," he said.
If a landowner disagrees with their new valuation, and can provide information to demonstrate it is incorrect, they can lodge an objection online via
The 60-day objection period for the 2025 land valuationscloses on 26 May, 2025.
The Queensland Government has useful information available on its website to understand the 2025 land valuations for our Region -