21 Councils Boost Supply Chains With Emergency Plan

Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning and Minister for Industrial Relations The Honourable Jarrod Bleijie
  • Crisafulli Government unlocks 24-hour re-supply for essential businesses ahead of Cyclone Alfred
  • Supermarkets, warehouses, hardware and trade supplies, and health services are permitted to resupply around the clock across South East Queensland.
  • Declaration to strengthen supply chains for initial disaster preparedness and recovery in impacted communities

An unprecedented emergency planning declaration to support food, medicines and essential supplies getting into stores and onto shelves has been signed off by the Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jarrod Bleijie this afternoon.

Shops, warehouses and transport depots in 21 local government areas spanning from Gladstone, Goondiwindi and the Gold Coast will be permitted to temporarily operate around the clock, as Queenslanders continue to prepare for Cyclone Alfred.

The 21 Local Government Areas (LGA) included are:

  • Brisbane City Council
  • Bundaberg Regional Council
  • Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council
  • Fraser Coast Regional Council
  • Gold Coast City Council
  • Goondiwindi Regional Council
  • Gladstone Regional Council
  • Gympie Regional Council
  • Ipswich City Council
  • Lockyer Valley Regional Council
  • Logan City Council
  • Moreton Bay City Council
  • Noosa Shire Council
  • North Burnett Regional Council
  • Redland City Council
  • Scenic Rim Regional Council
  • Somerset Regional Council
  • South Burnett Regional Council
  • Southern Downs Regional Council
  • Sunshine Coast Council
  • Toowoomba Regional Council

Deputy Premier Bleijie said this declaration was necessary to ensure essential businesses can restock supplies 24-hours a day.

"I've briefed the Queensland Disaster Management Committee of this emergency planning declaration, which will begin at 12:01am, Wednesday 5 March," Mr Bleijie said.

"This is a rare event and it's the first time an emergency declaration has been announced before a natural disaster has hit Queensland. "The emergency declaration will enable these businesses to restock 24/7. "This includes shops, health care services, chemists, warehouses, transport depots and hardware supply businesses. "Our primary goal is to supercharge the food and essential supply chains that are set to be affected by Cyclone Alfred. "By temporarily lifting these restrictions, it will enable supermarkets to have more supply hit the shelves faster and empower supermarkets to continue to do all they can to meet the demand.

"I have written to the Mayors advising of these changes as we work with the councils to ensure Queenslanders are prepared and remain aware of the latest warnings and information."

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