'24 AI Symposium Features BIAS Project at Japanese Society

On 28-29 May 2024, Carlotta Rigotti, post-doc researcher at eLaw, held a workshop on fairness and diversity bias in AI-driven recruitment during the annual symposium of the Japanese Society on Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) in Hamamatsu, Japan. The workshop was organized within the context of the BIAS project and in collaboration with Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Associate Professor at eLaw.

Titled "The Ambitions and Limitations of AI-driven Recruitment and Selection: Unfolding Fairness and Diversity Bias," the workshop provided a cutting-edge platform for scholars and experts to discuss the ambitions and limitations of AI applications in the labor market, particularly in recruitment and selection.

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In February 2024, five papers were selected for presentation at the workshop. On the first day, these presentations included comparative analyses of existing legal frameworks, real-life implications on the social and ethical dimensions of hiring practices, and practical experiences of auditing new technologies. On the second day, the workshop aimed to explore how AI applications for HR practices can be made trustworthy, engaging presenters and the audience in an open debate. The discussions began with the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI) and participants shared insights from other jurisdictions and sectors.

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