$25 Million To Drive Next Stage Of Barton Highway

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Labor Government is Building Australia's Future, investing an additional $25 million to plan future upgrades along the Barton Highway corridor.

The $25 million Barton Highway Upgrade Program - Future Stages - Planning project will support planning for future upgrades to the Barton Highway.

The Barton Highway has undergone significant upgrades over the past few years. The first stage of works opened in early 2024, and duplicated the highway from the NSW side of the ACT Border to Kaveneys Road in NSW. The first stage of works involved moving 254,000 cubic metres of earth, rolling 60,000 tonnes of new road surface and installing two kilometres of drainage work.

Detailed planning work to deliver Stage 2 of the Barton Highway upgrade is currently being finalised. It will extend duplication from Kaveneys Road towards Capricorn Place. It will also complete duplication across the ACT border.

Planning for future stages, supported by the newly announced $25 million, is scheduled to start later this year.

In total, the Australian has committed $203.6 million towards upgrading the Barton Highway.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

"The Barton Highway is a key link for anyone driving from Canberra to Yass and onwards to southern NSW and Victoria.

"These planning works will continue the duplication works along the Barton Highway corridor, reducing congestion, cutting travel times and giving the road network the flexibility and reliability it needs to keep traffic moving at all times.

"This funding provides greater certainty for the overall corridor and the local community.

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Eden Monaro and Minister for Regional Development Kristy McBain:

"Residents of the Yass Valley have called for the Barton Highway to be duplicated for decades, which is why we continue to deliver more funding to progress this critical upgrade.

"Completion of Stage 1 has made a huge difference for the 13,000 people that travel the Barton Highway every day - making their trip into Canberra smoother and safer.

"I'm excited that detailed planning work on Stage 2 is well underway. We are determined to keep this project moving and commence construction work as soon as possible.

"I know that the people of Yass Valley - and beyond - just want to see the Barton duplicated once and for all, and with this new funding we are getting on with that job."

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