$250K Research Grant Opens for GPs

Medibank and Royal Australian College of GPs

The grant will fund up to two projects with a total combined value of $250,000 that focus on preventative care in primary care across any of the following themes:

  • Addressing health inequity and access barriers to preventive care
  • Prevention and early detection of chronic diseases
  • Technology-enabled preventive care and digital health solutions

Funding of the grant is being provided through the Medibank Better Health Foundation and the RACGP's Australian General Practice Research Foundation.

Medibank Group Medical Director Dr Shona Sundaraj welcomed the opportunity to partner again with the RACGP.

"Primary care is the foundation of the health system and we are delighted to support the critical role of GPs in supporting the health and wellbeing of every person in Australia," she said.

"Medibank and the RACGP share a commitment to supporting evidence-based preventative care with real-world applications. This grant champions GP-led research in areas of some of the highest health need in our community."

RACGP Vice President Dr Ramya Raman welcomed the opportunity to collaborate with the Medibank Better Health Foundation and urged researchers, health services and organisations to apply.

"This research grant is a positive step forward," she said.

"The College has been at the forefront of promoting general practice research for more than 60 years, and despite the vital role that GPs and practice teams play in improving the lives of patients across the nation, general practice receives less than two per cent of our national medical research funding.

"Embracing new technologies with the potential to enhance patient care, figuring out how best to prevent and detect chronic diseases, and confronting the stubborn barriers holding back Australians from accessing this care are all worthy causes. There's no substitute for the care you receive from a GP who knows you, and your history."

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