- Hon Kelvin Davis
- Hon Peeni Henare
- Hon Willie Jackson
The Government has approved $46.75 million and signed 26 contracts to rapidly accelerate Māori vaccinations across Aotearoa and support the efforts of DHBs to reach the 90% double vaccinated target.
Minister for Māori Development, Willie Jackson, said the fact that Māori had now surpassed 77% vaccination for one dose, and 61% for two doses was very encouraging.
"Covid is out there whānau and moving fast we need to get this mahi done, we are continuing to work at pace to vaccinate every sector of society because no one is safe from COVID until we all are." Willie Jackson said.
Progress is being made and in the past month, Māori in Waikato (80%), Taranaki (76%) and Lakes (74%) have got their second dose.
Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Arawhiti and Ministry of Health have a further $13.25 million left, of the $60 million Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund for Phase One, with dozens of contracts still to be worked through. Phase Two funding (another $60 million) will be used to support Māori to protect their communities against Covid.
Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Minister Kelvin Davis said it was great to see the wide range of innovative ideas and initiatives that iwi, Māori providers and organisations were delivering.
"We are seeing everything from Tik Tok, kapa haka and music, being used to reach rangatahi and our kaimahi are doing the hard yards and door knocking to drum up vaccinations and answer those important questions whānau have," Kelvin Davis said.
Contracts with providers cover the following regions: Te Pou Matakana (North Island) (1) and Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu (South Island) (1), Te Tai Tokerau (11), Tamaki Makarau (5), Waikato-Waiariki (3), Ikaroa-Rāwhiti (2), Te Tai Hauāuru (1) and Te Waipounamu (2).
Associate Minister of Health (Whānau Ora) Minita mo Whānau Ora, Peeni Henare said funding had extended existing arrangements with Te Pou Matakana ($5.00 million) and Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu ($0.887 million) through 136 whānau ora providers across the South and North Islands.
"Te Pou Matakana has vaccinated over half a million Māori and non-Māori and its 80 providers expect to vaccinate up to 20,000 Māori before Christmas.
Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu will build on its Manaaki 20 campaigns and encourage vaccination in six low vaccination areas in the South Island. "While the South Island has a relatively good vaccination rate, there is still another 20,000 or more doses to provide, before they reach the 90% target," Peeni Henare said.