28 PINs issued after Bondi Junction house party

Police will issue 28 Penalty Infringement Notices (PINs) following a house party allegedly breaching the Public Health Order in Sydney's east overnight.

About 1.20am (Saturday 19 September 2020), officers from Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command were called to a home on Oxford Street, near York Road, Bondi Junction, following noise complaints and reports of a party.

Police attended and observed a large group in the home.

After speaking with a 26-year-old man, it was established he was one of four occupants and there were 24 guests inside, which exceeded the allowable 20-person limit for private gatherings.

The guests were told to leave the premises and given a move on direction from the area.

Under recent changes to the Public Health Order, the occupants and attendees will all be issued $1000 PINs.

Anyone who has information regarding individuals or businesses in contravention of a COVID-19-related Public Health Order is urged to contact Crime Stoppers at https://nsw.crimestoppers.com.au.

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