$3.2M Boost for Canberra Sport and Recreation Clubs

Canberra sporting and recreation clubs will share over $3.2million in funding through the latest round of the ACT Government's Sport and Recreation Investment Scheme.

Four funding options are available through the Scheme including:

  • The Community Sport Facilities Funding Program supports the development of new high quality, sustainable facilities, or the upgrade of existing facilities, to maintain or increase physical activity in the Canberra community.
  • The Club Enhancement Program assists sporting and recreation groups to further develop their local services and programs including purchasing equipment, upskilling coaches and officials or supporting improvements to club governance.
  • The State Organisation Support Program provides funding through 3-year agreements to be used for improving organisational capacity and capability.
  • The Industry Partnership Program allows the ACT Government to co-invest with State Sporting Organisations, in innovative and collaborative projects which are scalable and sustainable.

Minister for Sport and Recreation, Yvette Berry says this investment in Canberra's sport and recreation organisations enables much needed improvements and upgrades allowing for increased participation and inclusiveness.

"The Scheme supports not-for-profit sport, recreation and community organisations in developing fit for purpose, sustainable and accessible places and spaces for sport and active recreation.

"Through this round, among the 38 successful applicants, the ACT Water Ski Association will receive $190,000 to upgrade the Water Ski Clubhouse facilities, including a refurbishment of the kitchen and bathrooms to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for members.

"Tuggeranong BMX Club will be able to replace the BMX start gate with $47,000 of funding through the scheme.

"The Belconnen Netball Association were successful in obtaining $571,000 in support to construct a new female and male toilet and change facilities, a full accessible toilet with shower and enhanced storage space.

"The Sport and Recreation Investment Scheme supports the ambition of the ACT Government's CBR Next Move strategy by investing in facilities for greater participation in sport and recreation.

"Maintaining our sporting facilities is essential to ensure that the community can continue to participate in the sporting and recreation activities that they love, promoting a healthy lifestyle throughout the Canberra community."

Quote attributable to Kim Clarke, President of Belconnen Netball Association.

"We are delighted to receive this investment from the ACT Government to upgrade our off-court facilities at Charnwood to ensure they are a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all our participants and supporters. Our current toilet and storage facilities are not suitable to cater for up to 2000 users on competition days and this support will ensure a safe, accessible and welcoming environment for everyone to play and attend our netball activities and competitions."

Quote attributable to Maria Cowan, President of ACT Waterski Tournament Division.

"On behalf of Waterski ACT we are incredibly excited to be a successful recipient of an investment from the ACT Government for our clubhouse facilities including the kitchen and bathrooms at Molonglo Reach. The project is essential to rectify the current outdated facilities particularly in relation to acceptable standards for female facilities and disabled access."

Quote attributable to Paul Stewart, President of Tuggeranong BMX Club.

"The new starting gate will significantly improve the sporting experience and safety of our club members particularly children and beginners. We are very thankful to the ACT Government for this support to ensure this important improvement is made at our club for all our participants."

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