$3 million to travel agents impacted by border changes

  • Applications now open for $3 million Travel Agents Support Fund
  • Program to assist travel agents impacted by delay in full border opening
  • Part of McGowan Government's $77 million Safe Transition Industry Support Package
  • Western Australian travel agents significantly impacted by changes to the full border opening will now be able to apply for funding through the $3 million Travel Agents Support Fund, an initiative of the McGowan Government through Tourism WA.

    WA travel agents will be able to apply for support through one of two grants:

    • $5,000 to $10,000 for eligible home-based businesses (dependant on commission levels); and
    • $20,000 for eligible brick-and-mortar businesses.

    It follows the launch of the $20 million Tourism Support Program and $15 million Tourism Deposit Refund Program, which opened for applications last week.

    Applications will be open to eligible businesses that can demonstrate a minimum 30 per cent reduction in turnover between 2018-19 and 2020-21, are an active and registered travel agent with an ABN, and a small business that is WA-based.

    More information about applying for this support, including the guidelines, frequently asked questions and links to the application form, are available at tourism.wa.gov.au

    As stated by Tourism Minister Roger Cook:

    "COVID-19 has had a significant impact on independent travel agents in WA, which is why we've directed specific funding to those businesses that have been most impacted.

    "I encourage eligible businesses to apply for this funding, which should go some way to helping them get back on their feet now that the borders have reopened."

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