Community groups or people who have an idea for an event in the Byron Shire, are encouraged to apply now for a share of $360,000 which is available as part of the NSW Government's Reconnecting Regional NSW Community Events Program.
The aim of the funding is to support communities and businesses in the recovery from the COVID 19 pandemic.
For events to eligible for funding they must be:
- Open to the public
- Free to attend or a small fee
- Designed to reconnect communities
- Be held before 23 March 2023.
Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, said this is a terrific opportunity for local event organisers.
"The Byron Shire is well known for its wide range of events and COVID-19 hit hard in a lot of different ways, including shutting down many festivals, fetes, concerts and public gatherings which were normally a part of the social fabric of our community," Mayor Lyon said.
"To have this funding available is the perfect opportunity to reinvigorate the events' calendar in our Shire and see everyone in our community brought together again to celebrate our spirit and connection.
"In the wake of the floods it is important for us to acknowledge the tremendous spirit, resilience, love and connection in our community," Mayor Lyon said.
Examples of eligible events include:
- Community markets
- Festivals and fairs
- Sporting events
- Food and leisure events
- Recovery events
- Community classes and workshops
- Agricultural field days
- Theatre programs
- Community public holiday events (e.g. ANZAC Day, Australia Day)
Applications must show how the event will rebuild community cohesion, deliver positive social outcomes and support local businesses. Applications close on Friday 27 May.
Information about the Reconnecting Regional NSW Community Events Program is on Council's website.