3D Kidney Diagnostics Using Advanced Light Microscopy

The biotech company Magnephy is developing new methods to analyze tissue biopsies using optical 3D microscopy and sample clearing. This technique enables whole-tissue diagnostics and in-situ drug testing.

The company has its roots in research at Karolinska Institutet, KTH, and SciLifeLab. Karolinska Institutet's expertise comes from KBH's PhD student and Magnephy Co-founder Robin Ebbestad and Magnephy CTO and KBH's new postdoc David Unnersjö-Jess research and leadership. This has played a crucial part in the development. By utilizing SciLifeLab's infrastructure for advanced light microscopy, Magnephy can combine optical 3D microscopy with AI-based image analysis to quantify pathologies in entire biopsies and support drug development.

This innovative technology, backed by Karolinska Institutet's world-leading research in kidney medicine, has the potential to enable earlier and more precise diagnostics of kidney diseases, key to the future of precision medicine in nephrology.

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