400 Anaesthetists Convene in Hobart for National Meet

The Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA)
  • The Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), ANZCA and NZSA will host over 400 Anaesthetists from across Australia in Hobart for three days.
  • Four International speakers will showcase the latest research and thinking of the profession on topics relating to Regional Anaesthesia.
  • Specialist Anaesthetists are able to incorporate regional anaesthesia into patient care from the newborn undergoing emergency surgery, for paediatric elective and emergency surgery, women's health with labour epidural analgesia and for complex gynacology surgery, for patients undergoing major cancer surgery, for musculoskeletal surgery – including knee, hip, hand, arm and shoulder surgery, and for frail patients who are unlikely to survive a general anaesthetic
  • The government recognises the key role that regional anaesthesia plays, and on 01 March 2025 they introduced a new MBS Item for regional anaesthesia nerve catheters for post-operative analgesia (MBS item 22032)
  • Hadley's Hotel in Tasmania hosted the ASA's inaugural meeting some 91 years ago in 1934.
  • It is especially fitting that the ASA returns to Tasmania, where the first anaesthesia administered in Australia took place in Launceston, performed by Dr William Russ Pugh MD in the St John's Hospital on 7 June 1847.
  • This meeting is timely, occurring shortly after the completion of the ASA's 2024 Workforce Modelling Report which showed that demand for anaesthetic services is expected to increase by 35.7% between 2017 and 2032. Modelling suggests that by training an additional 50 anaesthetists per year, the anaesthesia workforce demand will be met.
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