40,000 Canadian Students to Access Jobs Sooner

Employment and Social Development Canada

March 21, 2025 Gatineau, Québec Employment and Social Development Canada

Canada needs more workers in every sector to help drive growth and support the resilience the times necessitate. On-the-job training is the simplest and quickest way to do that. By helping more post-secondary students develop career skills, we're giving them a running start to future employment.

That is why Minister of Jobs and Families, Steven MacKinnon, today announced an additional 40,000 work-integrated learning opportunities across Canada through the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP).

Approved organizations receive funding to offer work placements and innovative work-integrated learning opportunities - both in-person and virtual - to post-secondary students across Canada.

By funding work-integrated learning opportunities through the SWPP, the Government of Canada supports students in developing work-related skills and experience to complement the technical knowledge they obtain through their formal studies - supporting them in their transition from school to employment. These opportunities can include work placements (such as co-ops and internships) and innovative-work integrated learning opportunities (such as hackathons and micro-internships).

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