41 Caught Drink Or Drug Driving In Nepean Highway Blitz

41 motorists have been caught behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, in a two-night blitz in Moorabbin.

Alarmingly, 11% of motorists who were drug tested returned positive results.

Moorabbin Highway Patrol officers conducted the operation in the southbound lanes of the Nepean Highway at Moorabbin, bolstered by three booze buses.

Over two nights on 13 and 14 March, highway patrol officers undertook 4,747 preliminary breath tests - 37 of which returned a positive result - as well as 36 preliminary oral fluid tests, with four drivers testing positive to illicit substances.

More motorists were caught breaking the law on Friday night.

Of note:

• A 27-year-old woman lost her licence for 12 months and was ordered to pay a $840 penalty notice, after a preliminary breath test indicated she had alcohol in her system. She allegedly returned a positive secondary reading of 0.122 - almost two-and-a-half times the legal limit. It will be alleged she stopped in the middle of the Nepean Highway and tried to turn onto a service road, almost causing a multi-vehicle crash.

• A 52-year-old woman from Elsternwick was intercepted by police 100m from her home. She later allegedly returned a positive breath test of 0.106. She was fined $840 and lost her licence for ten months.

• A 41-year-old man from Caulfield South was caught after allegedly trying to go around the testing site. A secondary breath test indicated a reading of 0.091, resulting in the suspension of his licence, as well as a $593 fine.

• A 37-year-old man from Keysborough allegedly tried to elude police by bypassing two booze buses, however, was intercepted near the third. It will be alleged he returned a positive breath test of 0.067 and also tested positive to methylamphetamine. His licence was immediately suspended, and he will be summonsed to appear at Moorabbin Magistrates' Court at a later date.

• A 20-year-old man from Broadmeadows turned off the Nepean Highway, before allegedly returning a positive reading of 0.065. Further checks revealed he did not hold a valid licence to drive. The vehicle was impounded, and the man will be summonses to appear at Moorabbin Magistrates' Court at a later date.

The positive oral fluid tests will under further analysis.

Police will continue to conduct alcohol and drug testing anywhere, anytime in an effort to drive down road trauma.

Quotes attributable to Moorabbin Highway Patrol Senior Sergeant Stuart Saunders:

"It is beyond frustrating that so many people continue to put their lives, as well as the lives of their passengers and other road users in danger by driving after consuming drugs or alcohol.

"Our members conducted almost 5,000 breath tests in two nights, with more than 10% of those tested for drugs returned positive results.

"There is no space on our roads for those who choose to make reckless decisions that could easily end, or severely impact, the life of an innocent person.

"Police will allege that several of those who were caught during this operation had seen the flashing lights of the booze bus and made another error by turning off down side streets to avoid police.

"Just know that if you are contemplating trying to elude us, we'll be there waiting."

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