$43 Million Boost To North Tassie Roads

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Labor Government is building Tasmania's future, driving economic growth and improving freight efficiency by investing over $43 million in roads in the north east of the state.

We're investing $20 million to progress planning and design work for the New Tamar Crossing - a new bridge over the Kanamaluka/River Tamar - in partnership with the Tasmanian Government.

Planning for the New Tamar Crossing is expected to start this year, with an estimated completion date to be determined in consultation with the Tasmanian Government.

Further south, $10 million will go towards improving the resilience of Esk Main Road at St Marys Pass, ensuring it remains open and safe during severe weather events.

The Esk Highway is the main access road between the Midland Highway and the east coast. This investment will reduce the economic cost of closures and emergency repairs, safeguarding the route for years to come.

We've also committed an additional funding to ensure the delivery of critical projects across the north, including:

  • An additional $4 million for further safety improvements to Bridport Road, including pavement rehabilitation, road widening and improvements to junctions, to improve freight productivity and access to freight gateways. This brings the total Commonwealth investment in the road to $20 million;
  • An additional $4 million for the Murchison Highway corridor such as overtaking lanes, shoulder sealing and curve-widening works, taking the total Commonwealth investment to $39 million;
  • An additional $3.8 million to support further planning and concept design work for the Devonport to Cradle Mountain corridor, taking the total Commonwealth funding for the project to $6.3 million.

Along with roads, we're better connecting communities by investing in walking and cycling paths.

Almost $1.3 million will be funded under the Active Transport Fund in two new projects to build new or upgrade existing bicycle and walking paths in the north east of the state:

  • More than $670,000 for Launceston City Council to build a new path connecting Youngtown Primary School with existing footpaths in the Oakden Park area and the Kate Reed Reserve;
  • $610,000 for Meander Valley Council to design and build approximately 2.1 kilometres of new footpath and cycleways along Panorama Road between Bayview Drive and Neptune Drive, Blackstone Heights.

We have also brought forward $15.6 million of funding for the Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation - Tranche 4 - Network project, which has a total Australian Government commitment of $81.6 million. This will allow the ongoing delivery of improved network performance and assurance of supply chains for Tasmania's largest freight producers

The Albanese Government is making our cities and regions even better places to live, building social infrastructure, connecting place and designing healthier, more liveable towns.

Our new Active Transport Fund is one part of this, providing safe and accessible transport options that mean more people have the chance to walk, cycle or push a pram to work, school and anywhere else.

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